"I have never tried that before,
so I think I should definitely
be able to do that"

- Pippi L.

Where Pipple started as a start-up in 2016, our beautiful company has now grown to 40 employees who together form the unique Pipple DNA. With a nice balance in IQ and EQ, our team knows how to surprise positively again and again.

Pipple core values

The culture of Pipple is inspired by Pippi Longstocking. There is more depth in Pippi Longstocking's stories than you might say at first glance. It is not for nothing that the book is in the top 100 most influential books of all time in world literature. For Pipple, three elements are important: Uninhibited, Creative and Subservient.

Uninhibited, This indicates that we are independent in our thinking and doing. That we look at the world with an open mind and what our customers need. Frank. Not afraid to do things we've never done before. Not afraid to make mistakes. Not afraid to be honest with ourselves and each other.

Creative, Creativity is seeing something new, finding something new and doing or making something new. This makes creativity more than a way of perceiving, thinking or doing. Creativity is a combination of these three: Perceiving, thinking and doing. Creativity has to do with intuition but also with decisiveness. An idea alone is nothing. You have to make something out of it too!

Serve, Pipple is a service provider. This requires a subservient attitude towards the other. Not from: 'What do I have to offer/What do I need? /, but above all: 'What does the other person need?'. That is the starting point. That is a fundamentally different position. The look at the other.