At Pipple, we believe that if we want to change the world, we need to share our knowledge. That is why we organize fun, inspiring and educational Pipple Tech Talks (formerly Pipple lectures). During these talks we show how data science can contribute to a better world. We explain the basic concept so that you can apply the technique in a hands-on tutorial at the end of the talk.

On Thursday, December 8, 2022, we organize the Pipple Tech Talk “Proactive algorithm moniroting & detecting new opportunities” at our office in Eindhoven. Data Science is not a one-time event or project execution. An important element is the proactive monitoring of algorithms that are used. This provides insight into possible anomalies that occur in daily business operations.

Joep Van Den Tillaart and Ruud Mullers have invited Andrea Fuchs – van Mil, Project Coordinator at A.S. Watson to explain the use of data logging. Furthermore, with a few short use cases, we show what algorithm monitoring means and how this can be used to detect new opportunities. The talk concludes with a short demonstration on how to quickly build this monitoring for a selected use case.

17:00 | Doors open & Pizza
18:00 | Start Pipple Tech Talk
19:00 | Demonstration
19:30 | Closing & Drinks

*The Pipple Tech Talk will be given in English. Interested in participating? Register now via this link:

Questions about the latest news, events and PR?

Thijs can tell you everything about our organization, mission and vision. He would love to get in touch with you!

Thijs Verhaegh
Marketing Manager