On 29 March 2022, BrabantKennis and the Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM) organised a knowledge café about the social impact of A.I. for companies and policymakers in Klassetheater Tilburg.

More than 60 policymakers, administrators, designers and entrepreneurs talked to each other about questions such as: what exactly is A.I.? What does it mean for Brabant and Brabant citizens, entrepreneurs and administrators? How can we best prepare for the opportunities and challenges that A.I. brings in the future?

Our own Joep van den Tillaart acted as speaker and participated in the discussion about the impact of A.I. in Brabant. Joep studied econometrics at Maastricht University and then broadened his horizons in finance and commerce. His passion for data analytics goes beyond pure numbers and analytics; Joep wants to understand the total objectives of a company or the customer and develop solutions for this. “It is very important that we understand what we are making ourselves,” says Joep. “Nothing should happen in our system that we don’t understand. That is why we invest a lot of time in understanding the demand and the relevant business processes. That is often the biggest challenge in delivering a good A.I. solution.”

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Thijs Verhaegh
Marketing Manager